
看笑话学英语50:It Worked真的有效

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听笑话学英语50:It worked 真的有效

Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it.

So Tom went to his doctor, the doctor gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed.

Tom slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.

"Boss", he said, "The pill actually worked!"

"That's all fine" said the boss, "But where were you yesterday?"



1 threaten

vt. 威胁;恐吓;预示
vi. 威胁;可能来临

eg:He tied her up and threatened her with a six-inch knife.

Threaten Abortion 先兆流产
threaten assessment 威胁评估
threaten area 威胁区域
to threaten 威胁 ; 恐吓 ; 要挟 ; 扬言
threaten analysis 威胁分析
threaten people 威胁别人
Threaten The 可能危及
Threaten Loudly 恫疑虚喝
Threaten South 威胁南部

2 leisurely

adj. 悠闲的;从容的
adv. 悠闲地;从容不迫地

eg:Lunch was a leisurely affair.

walk leisurely 悠闲自在地行走
A leisurely 从容不迫 ; 从容的 ; 悠闲地
Leisurely reading 悠闲地看书
Swimming Leisurely 乐悠悠
Wander leisurely 转悠转悠
Leisurely Herdsmen 悠闲的牧民
Leisurely Sunbathe 悠闲地晒太阳
leisurely unhurriedly 慢条斯理
Leisurely Pedestrians 悠闲路人

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