
爆笑英语幽默笑话80:Roommates Are A Bit Strange室友都有点怪

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80.Roommates Are A Bit Strange


There was a university boy who left home and moved into the dorm.After a few weeks his parents phoned to find out how he was. "What are your roommates like?”his mother asked.


"They are a bit strange,actually,”he told his mum,"On one side there is a man who keeps banging his head against the wall,and on the other side there is another man who just cries and moans.”


"I would keep to myself if I were you,"advised his mother.


"Oh,I do,”the son replied.“I just stay in my room all day and play my bagpipes.”


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本文标题:爆笑英语幽默笑话80:Roommates Are A Bit Strange室友都有点怪 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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