
Quote Joke(2)

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  60 above - Floridians wear coats,gloves,and wooly hats. Chicago people sunbathe.

  50 above - New Yorkers try to turn on the heat. Chicago people plant gardens.

  40 above - Italian cars won‘t start. Chicago people drive with the windows down.

  32 above - Distilled water freezes. Lake Michigan‘s water gets thicker.

  20 above - Californians shiver uncontrollably. Chicago people have the last cookout before it gets cold.

  15 above - New York landlords finally turn up the heat. Chicago people throw on a sweatshirt.

  0 degrees - Californians fly away to Mexico. Chicago people lick the flagpole and throw on a light jacket over the sweatshirt.

  20 below - People in Miami cease to exist. Chicago people get out their winter coats.

  40 below - Hollywood disintegrates. Chicago‘s Girl Scouts begin selling cookies door to door.

  60 below - Polar bears begin to evacuate Antarctica. Chicago‘s Boy Scouts postpone“Winter Survival”classes until it gets cold enough.

  80 below - Mount St. Helen‘s freezes. Chicago people rent some videos.

  100 below - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Chicago people get frustrated when they can‘t thaw the keg.

  297 below - Microbial life survives on dairy products. Illinois cows complain of farmers with cold hands.

  460 below - ALL atomic motion stops. Chicago people start saying. . .“Cold‘nuff for ya??”

  500 below - Hell freezes over. The Chicago Cubs win the World Series.

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