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  A Precious Turnip

  Before Louis the Eleventh became king, he used to visit a peasant whose garden produced excellent fruit. After his accession, the peasant brought him as a present a very large turnip which had grown in his garden. The king, remembering the pleasant hours that he had spent under the old man's roof, gave him a thousand crowns.

  The lord of the village, hearing of this, thought that if one who gave a paltry turnip received so large a reward, one who gave a really valuable present would receive a still larger reward, He, therefore, offered a splendid house. The king accepted it and calling for the big turnip. said, “This cost me a thousand crowns; I give it to you in return for your horse.”




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本文标题:珍贵的萝卜 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

上一篇:幸运的母亲 下一篇:小偷和他的母亲


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