

阅读 :

A Business Trip

  On a business trip to India, a colleague of mine arrived at the airport in Dilhi. He took a taxi to his hotel, where he was greeted by his hospitable Indian host. The cab driver requested the equivalent of eight dollars U. S. for the fare, which seemed reasonable, so my friend handed him the money.

  But the host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors. The host threw half the amount at the driver and told him never to return.

  As the taxi sped off, the host gave the remaining bills to my colleague and asked him how his trip had been. "Fine," the business- man replied, "until you chased the cab away with my luggage in the trunk."


  (1) colleague n.同事
  (2) hospitable n.好客的
  (3) equivalent n.等值;等量
  (4) initiate v.开始
  (5) verbal n.言辞的
  (6) assault (on/upon) n.猛烈而突然之攻击
  (7) cabby n.出租汽车司机
  (8) parasite n.寄生虫


  ①Where was the businessman going?
  ② How did he get to the hotel?
  ③ How much money did the taxi driver request?
  ④ What did the host think of the charge?
  ⑤ How was the trip?






  ① India
  ② He took a taxi.
  ③ The equivalent of eight dollars U. S.
  ④ He thought it was too much.
  ⑤ Fine except that the luggage was still in the trunk of the taxi.

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