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I Want to Get Out

  A bar owner locked up his place at 2 a. m. and went home to sleep. He had been in bed only a few minutes when the phone rang." What time do you open up in the morning ?" he heard an obviously inebriated man inquire.

  The owner was so furious, he slammed down the receiver and went back to bed. A few minutes later there was another call and he heard the same voice ask the same question. "Listen," the owner shouted ,"there's no sense in asking me what time I open because I wouldn't let a person in your condition in-"

  "I don't want to get in," the caller interjected. "I want to get out


  (1) obviously adv.明显的
  (2) inebriated adj.酒醉的
  (3) slam v.砰然放下
  (4) interject v.突然插话


  ①A bar owner locked ______ his place at 2 a. m. and went home to sleep.
  ② He heard an obviously ______ man inquire.
  ③ The owner was so furious, he _______ down the receiver and went back to bed.
  ④ A few minutes later there was another call and he heard the____ voice ask the ______question.
  ⑤ There is no ______in asking me what time I open.






  ① up ② inebriated ③ slammed ④ same ;same⑤ sense

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