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Wouldn't You Know

  I accompanied my eight-month-pregnant wife to her monthly checkup . We boarded the hospital's elevator to go to the appropriate floor. The only other passenger was an elderly man who studied intently and then said, "Boy."

  Without another word, he got off at his floor. I was about to tell my wife how strange I thought he was acting when suddenly I realized she was wearing a T-shirt sporting the "Guess?" logo.


  (1) accompany v.伴随;陪伴
  (2) pregnant adj.怀孕的
  (3) appropriate adj.适当的
  (4) intently adv.专心地
  (5) T-shirt n.T恤衫
  (6) logo n.标语


  ① The wife had been pregnant for six months.
  ② The man accompanied his wife to the hospital for a checkup.
  ③ The only other passenger was an elderly woman.
  ④ The elderly person had a brief look at the pregnant woman and said it was a boy.
  ⑤ The elderly person made a guess because she was wearing a T shirt with the "Guess ?" loge.






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