Shenzhen English Corner


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While going through his wife's dresser drawers,a farmer discovered three soybeans and an envelope containing $30 in cash. The farmer confronted his wife,and when asked about the curious items,she confessed: "Over the years,I haven’t been completely faithful to you.


"When I did fool around, 1 put a soybean in the drawer to remind myself of my indiscretion,”she explained.


The farmer admitted that he had not always been faithful either, and therefore,was inclined to forgive and forget a few moments of weakness in his wife.


"I'm curious though,”he said,"'here did the thirty dollars come, from?"


"Oh that,” his wife replied,"Well,when soybeans hit ten dollars a bushel,I sold out!”



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本文标题:外国最新英语幽默笑话精粹68:到底有多少大豆(中英) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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