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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


A Taxi Ride

  The taxi ride I shall never forget is the one I experienced a long time ago when I was only six years old. One summer evening I felt a little unwell and had a headache. Instead of letting this be known to my parents, I went to sleep. It was not until my mother awoke me that I found myself really ill. Mother felt my forehead and exclaimed, "Ron's running a temperature again!" Immediately father called a taxi to rush us to a hospital. In those days the local taxis were generally not air-conditioned; besides, it was a hot day. I felt very ill with a high temperature inside the stuffy taxi, but I did not cry because I was too weak to do that. The taxi driver was speeding, yet tome it was still a long and slow journey, Finally we arrived at the hospital. I can't remember what happened later. All I can remember is that I had a terrible headache that day. Now I am not so easily taken ill as I used to be, but I shall never forget that taxi ride in my life.

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