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in 1793, british, hanoverian and austrian troops invaded france in an attempt to put down the french revolution. the hanoverian general freytag was taken prisoner by a french hussar, who, perceiving that he had a valuable watch, said,"give me your watch." freytag instantly complied.

a short time after, when he was liberated and the hussar had become a prisoner in his turn, the hussar with great unconcern pulled the watch from his pocket and, presenting it to freytag, said,"since fate has turned against me, take back your watch. it would not be so well to let others strip me of it." freytag was pleased with the hussar's honesty, and bade him to keep the watch in remembrance of his having once had its owner for a prisoner.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:战俘的风度(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事



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