

阅读 :


one day during world warⅡ, winston churchill visited a naval base to observe the anti-submarine defence system in action.taken to an area well populated with submerged wrecks, churchill watched as the system located a target and a depth charge was dropped overboard. moments later, a tremendous underwater explosion rocked the ship and several pieces of wreckage surfaced-- among them a door emblazoned with the letters"wc"."the navy always knew," churchill later quipped,"how to pay proper

compliments."第二次世界大战期间,温斯顿.丘吉尔有一天往访海军基地,观看反潜艇防卫系统运用实况。海军带他到一处遍布沉船的地方。丘吉尔看着反潜艇系统找到目标之后,深水炸弹从甲板投入海中。不久,水底传来一声猛烈爆炸,整条船都摇晃起来。几块破烂对象浮上水面,包括一道门,门上写着醒目的 wc两个字母:那是英文 water closet(厕所)的缩写,刚巧也是丘吉尔英文名字 winston churchill的缩写。丘吉尔后来戏言:「海军很懂得怎样恭维人家。」

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:WC(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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