
Quote Joke(34)

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  Everyone needs a time-out now and then.

  10. It takes 10 minutes to scroll through your bookmarks.

  9. You find yourself racking your brain for new search subjects.

  8. Instead of going to the bathroom,you“download.”

  7. You‘ll only go on vacation if there’s electricity,a phone line and a local dial-up number for your ISP.

  6. You go on vacation,but only after buying a cellular modem.

  5. You find yourself typing .com after every period when using a word

  4. You wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stop to check your e-mail on the way back to bed.

  3. You have more friends on the Internet than in real life.

  2. You check your e-mail. It says“no new messages.”So you check it again.

  And the top sign you‘re addicted to the Internet……

  1. You chose the location of your next home based on whether there‘s a high-speed broadband connection available.

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