
找个伴侣 Looking for a companion

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 A bachelor asked the computer to find him the perfect mate: ' I want a companion who is small and cute, loves water sports and enjoys group activities. "

  Back came the answer: "Marry a penguin. "


  (1) bachelor n.单身汉

  (2) perfect adj.完美的

  (3) mate n.配偶

  (4) cute adj.聪颖的



  ① For what did the bachelor turn to the computer?

  ② What were his requirements?

  ③ Did the computer give him an answer?

  ④ What was the advice of the computer?

  ⑤ What is a penguin?





  ① A mate

  ② small and cute; loved water-sports and enjoyed group activities.

  ③ Yes.

  ④ It advised him to marry a penguin.

  ⑤ A penguin is a seabird of the Antarctic with wings used for swimming.


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