
玛彭莎 Marpessa

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Marpessa was the only daughter of King Evenus.She was noble and graceful.From her childhood she was trained by her father like a young hero and was not allowed to have any thought of love and marriage.To deal with the crowd of men who now rushed into his palace,the king proposed that a man have to beat him in a carriage race to win his daughter. Death would be the penalty for the loser . The king was sure of his victory,for his horses came from Ares/' stables . Many young princes lost their lives.

Last came Idas,prince of Messenia. He was not discouraged by the fate of those men,because he had Poseidon on his side.Granting his prayers,the sea god had given him two fleet horses

and advised him to take his reward as soon as he won the race and flee from the king/'s attack . He did as he had been told,and King Evenus,lost his own daughter,his only hope in life,drowned himself in a river.

Idas and Marpessa presently arrived at a riverside,where Idas put down his beloved to enjoy a bit of rest and food and drink.They spent the night in a temple nearby.When morning came,Idas found that Marpessa had been stolen by Apollo.He ran after the immortal god—Apollo,feeling quite ready to fight and die for his love.Apollo held his unescapable arrows .Idas went forward with his sword.The duel was about to start when suddenly they heard a thunder bolt round about,and Zeus himself arrived to stop the unequal contest.He gave the maiden the choice between immorality and eternal glory on one side and on the other a mortal life of faithful love mixed with endless cares and griefs .Fearing infidelity on part of a god ,Marpessa turned down the sweet promises of Apollo and chose for her companion in life one capable of a like fate.Apollo left in bad spirits; Idas felt on top of the world .




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本文标题:玛彭莎 Marpessa - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

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