
百喻经之八一: 为熊所啮喻

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§81 为熊所啮喻

(81) getting bitten by a bear


once upon a time, there were a man and his son traveling together. the son got into the woods and was bitten by a bear. scratches were all over his body. being in a difficult situation, he fled to his father. seeing his son's wounds, the father was astonished and asked, "how did you get wounded?"


the son replied, "there was a long-haired monster that bit me."


the father grasped bows and arrows and went to the woods where he saw a longhaired supernatural being. when he was about to shoot at him, a bystander said, "why do you want to shoot at this, since he is innocent? you should punish the guilty."

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本文标题:百喻经之八一: 为熊所啮喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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