
安徒生童话:Children’S Prattle 孩子们的闲话

阅读 :

there was a large party for children at the house of the merchant; rich people's children and important people's children were all there. their host, the merchant, was a learned man; his father had insisted that he have a college education. you see, his father had been only a cattle dealer, but he had always been honest and thrifty. this business had brought him a fortune, and his son, the merchant, had later managed to increase this fortune. clever as he was, he also had a kind heart, but there was less talk about his heart than about his money. his house was always full of guests; some who had "blue blood," as it is called, and some who had mind; some who had both, and some who had neither. but this time it was a children's party, with children's prattle; and children say what they mean. among the guests was a pretty little girl, most absurdly proud that her father was a groom of the bedchamber. the servants had taught her this arrogance, not her parents; they were much too sensible.

"i'm a child of the chamber," she said. she might as well have been a child of the cellar, for no one can help his birth. then she explained to the other children that she had "birth," and insisted that anyone who didn't have "birth" from the beginning couldn't in any way get it; it did no good to study or be ever so industrious if you didn't have "birth." and as for people whose names ended with "sen," she declared, "they'll never amount to anything. you must put your arms out at the side and keep them, these 'sen' people, at a distance, like this!" and with this she stretched her delicate little arms with the elbows turned out to show what she meant-and the little arms were very pretty. sweet child!

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本文标题:安徒生童话:Children’S Prattle 孩子们的闲话 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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