
格林童话集:Sharing Joy and Sorrow

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There was once a tailor, who was a quarrelsome fellow, and
his wife, who was good, industrious, and pious, never could
please him.  Whatever she did, he was not satisfied, but
grumbled and scolded, and knocked her about and beat her. 
As the authorities at last heard of it, they had him summoned,
and put in prison in order to make him better.  He was kept
for a while on bread and water, and then set free again.  He
was forced, however, to promise not to beat his wife any
more, but to live with her in peace, and share joy and sorrow
with her, as married people ought to do.  All went on well for
a time, but then he fell into his old ways, and was surly and
quarrelsome.  And because he dared not beat her, he would
seize her by the hair and tear it out.  The woman escaped from
him, and sprang out into the yard, but he ran after her with his
yard-measure and scissors, and chased her about, and threw the
yard-measure and scissors at her, and whatever else came his way. 
When he hit her he laughed, and when he missed her, he stormed
and swore.  This went on so long that the neighbors came to the
wife's assistance.  The tailor was again summoned before the
magistrates, and reminded of his promise.  "Dear gentlemen,"
said he, "I have kept my word, I have not beaten her, but have
shared joy and sorrow with her."  "How can that be," said the
judge, "when she continually brings such heavy complaints against
you?"  "I have not beaten her, but just because she looked so strange
I wanted to comb her hair with my hand; she, however, got away
from me, and left me quite spitefully.  Then I hurried after her, and
in order to bring her back to her duty, I threw at her as a well-meant
admonition whatever came readily to hand.  I have shared joy and
sorrow with her also, for whenever I hit her I was full of joy, and
she of sorrow, and if I missed her, then she was joyful, and I sorry." 
The judges were not satisfied with this answer, but gave him the
reward he deserved.

英语故事 英语小故事 英文故事 英语童话故事


本文标题:格林童话集:Sharing Joy and Sorrow - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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