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  Chinese farmers plow with oxen and water buffaloes, so most Chinese do not eat beef, out of gratitude to these trustworthy animals. But many Chinese regard dogs the same as they regard pigs, as a source of meat. So some Chinese butchers specialize in slaughtering dogs.


  One such butcher lived in Nanxiang Village in Jiating, near Shanghai. His name was Cai Liu. Dog meat is especially popular in the winter, because they say it warms you up, so as the New Year festival approached, Cai smiled as he whetted his knives and thought about how much money he was going to make.

  上海附近的嘉兴有个叫南乡的村子,就住着这样一个屠夫。他的名字叫蔡六。狗肉在冬天特别畅销,因为人们都说它能暖身子。眼看 着春节一天一天近了,蔡一边磨刀的时候,一边盘算着自己能挣多少钱,都 藏不住笑了。

  Cai had butchered dogs for years. He had the whole routine down pat. He slit a dog's throat and dumped the carcass into a vat of water. After it had soaked, it would be easier to pull out its fur. He always did it that way. Experience build sefficiency. But things went differently this time. After he dumped the carcass in the vat, his eyes bulged, his ears rang, his heart thumped. He had a premonition of impending doom.


  Just at that moment, the dog came to life, and with its last mite of strength, lunged out of the vat at Cai! His premonition had prepared him: when he saw the dog coming for him, Cai somersaulted backwards, but the dog was already on him! He tried to fend it off with his hands. It sank its teeth into Cai's forearm!

  就在这时,那只狗又醒过来了 ,它用尽全身最后的力气,从锅里扑向蔡!蔡早有预感,所以他一看到狗向他扑来,马上向后一闪,可是狗已经咬到他了!他用手想把狗弄开,然而狗牙已经深深地扎进他的前臂里了。

  Cai screamed in pain. His neighbors came to see what was wrong. They tried to pry the dog's mouth open with sticks, but its teeth were stuck fast. No matter how many people tried to lever its mouth open, it held onto Cai's arm.


  "Who would ever imagine that a dog with its throat slit could have such power?" one of the neighbors asked in amazement.


  "This isn't the time for discussion! Get it off me, will you!" Cai rolled back and forth across the floor trying to sling the dog off, but it seemed to be welded to his forearm.


  The pain was so intense that tears came to his eyes. The dog kept biting! It hurt more and more. He even wet his pants, but the dog held on!


  The pain got worse and worse. His heart couldn't stand it. His neighbors watched helplessly as Cai's face went pale. Then―― Ka! They heard the death rattle in Cai's throat.


  He fell back dead. As he died, the dog released its grip and fell down dead with him.


  From then on, nobody in that region ever dared to eat dog meat again.


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