
The Golden deer's wish

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  Once there lived a merchant in Banaras, who was very rich. Murli was his only son and in love and affection he forgot to send him to the school and provided him every pleasure of the world. As a result he grew up into a spoilt young man. When he grew older and came of marriageable age, Murli was married to a very beautiful girl. The couple lived happily under the guidance of the merchant. After sometime, the merchant died suddenly and Murli was left alone.

  One day Murli was very sad. He was thinking that after his father who would look after him now? He also consulted his friends. They suggested him to forget all the things because they all were with him. Actually they were after his money. They took Murli with them to enjoy life with gambling and wine. So he did and after sometime he forgot his father. He indulged in heavy gambling and enjoyed wine with his friend's whole day. One day he came to know that he was not having any money in his custody. He had lost every thing in gambling and wine.

  Then he decided to borrow money from moneylenders. He went from one moneylender to another and took money with a promise to pay back as soon as becomes rich again. Months elapsed. He did not become rich. When he showed no sign of returning the money, one moneylender came to him and asked Murli “My dear, you better pay my money. Now it is too late.”

  “You must have patience Sir. I am not running anywhere. I will pay your money. Please wait for some more time.” Replied Murli. Moneylender went on his way. Murli was now fed up with the demand of moneylender. He thought to die that to face the moneylenders.

  And next day he took his all moneylender's to the bank of the river. He told them that enormous wealth was hidden in the river. Now, after procuring that wealth, he will return everybody's money, which he had borrowed.

  After sometime, they reached the bank of river. Murli took a chance and slipped himself in the river, to drown. Now, he was gulping in the water. Suddenly, from the opposite bank of the river, where the Golden Deer lived, saw Murli drowning in the river. He shouted, “ don't worry, I will save your life,” and the Golden Deer jumped into the river and took out Murli from the river to the bank.

  Before parting each other, the Golden Deer said to Murli, “Promise me my friend that you will not tell anybody about me and also you will not tell anyone where I live.”

  “I seriously promise for this, my friend.” Said Murli. Both then went to their ways. On that night, the queen of Banaras had a strange dream. She told the dream to the King that she had seen a Golden Deer in her dream who was preaching Dharma to her. If such deer were there in the world, she would like to hear his discourse daily.

  “If there is any Golden Deer in the world, as you said, I will try my best to bring it here for you my queen” said the King. Next morning, the King consulted his courtiers and asked them whether such an animal exists in the world. They replied in yes. The King then announced a very big reward of gold coins and gems to the man who could find and bring Golden Deer to the King's palace.

  Hearing the announcement of the reward, Murli thought it was an opportunity to become rich again. He went to the courtier of the King to take him to the King. The courtier took Murli to the palace and presented him before the King.

  “Your Majesty, I know the Golden Deer very well. I also know where he lives,” said Murli to the King.

  “Is that so? You know the Golden Deer. Very good, when can you take us to Golden Deer?”

  “Early morning, tomorrow, your majesty.” replied Murli. Next morning, the King and his courtiers were on the way to Golden Deer's home. Murli stopped himself near a grove in the forest.

  “What is it now?” asked the King.

  “Nothing your majesty, this is the grove where the Golden Deer lives.” Said Murli.

  And then the King and his courtiers surrounded the grove. The Golden Deer heard the noise of the people. He was surprised, how did they find his grove? He got up and shouted, “Your majesty, I want to ask something from you. Please, tell me, who told you about me?

  The King took the name of Murli. The Golden Deer saw him and said to the King, “Your majesty, I advise you not to do any good work in life. It is better to save a log of wood than a man like him. Sir, I once saved this man from drowning in the river and this is how he has repaid me, my saving him.” Said the Golden Deer.

  “Is it so? I will punish him very badly for this. He should be hanged for this act.” Said the King furiously. “No Sir, please don't do that. I don't want him to die because of me. I cannot bear this shock.” Said Golden Deer.

  The King then ordered Murli to run away from there and he ran away. Then the King asked, “anything else, you want, Golden Deer?”

  “Your Majesty, I want only this that from today, let no animal be harmed by anyone in your kingdom.” Said the Golden Deer.

  The Golden Deer then went with the King to the palace and discoursed to the Queen about Dharma. After the discourse, Golden Deer returned to his grove in the forest and lived there after. And Murli was not seen after that in Banaras.

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