
Clara the Clever Kitten

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  In the wild countryside, there once lived a stray cat and her three kittens. Ben was the prettiest, Ken was the most hard working, but Clara was the cleverest.

  The mother cat wanted the kittens to find good homes. So, when they were old enough, off they went to seek their fortunes.

  They soon reached a cottage. Ben mewed outside until a woman opened the door. “Poor, pretty little thing,” she said, “come and have some milk.”

  Ken and Clara travelled on until they came to a farm. Ken killed a mouse and took it to the farmer's wife, who was very pleased. “You will make a good ratter,” she said, “come and share out dinner.”

  So Clara was left alone. “Pooh!” she thought, “I am too clever for a cottage or a farm. I can do batter.” And on she went, flicking her tail, until she arrived at a castle.

  But when she cried at the door, there was no answer. She caught a mouse and laid it on the step and scratched at the door till the lady of the castle opened it. But the lady did not like the mouse at all. “Go away, you horrible cat,” she said, and slammed the door.

  Clara crept into the bushes. She saw a boy drop his cap on the path. She saw the lady go walking and lose her glove.

  When evening came, Clara carried the cap and the glove to the step and scratched on the door again. The lady was very glad to see the glove and the cap. “What a clever kitten,” she said. “Come and live with us.”

  “That will suit me very well,” said Clara, and she purred.

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