
泰勒先生 Mr. Taylor:看中英对照英语小故事背单词

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Mr. Taylor suffered many mishaps in his life. At college, English was his major and French was his minor. He passed the minor examination but failed the major examination. After a year’s military service, he went to California. Millions of people were mining for gold there. Mr. Taylor sold mineral water first then he ran a mine. His mine collapsed in an accident. Rebuilding the mine would cost a minimum of one million dollars. To minimize the damage, Mr. Taylor sold his mill and his milky furniture. His wife comforted him, ”Never mind! We can get through it. ” The whole family migrated to another country. That country included 35 national minorities. The new place had a very mild weather. In winter, the lowest temperature was minus three degrees and the snow on the earth was no more than five millimeters. Mr. Taylor put a miniature map of the World on the wall. He said to himself, “You have to succeed. Have this in mind.” Mr. Taylor made up his mind to be engaged in politics. He bore his lesson in mind. He won this time. Mr. Taylor was elected Minister of Resource. He would take charge of the Resource Ministry. Only a small minority voted against him. Totally he got 20 minus signs. Mr. Taylor defeated his mighty competitors. His wife stood in the midst of the crowd.  She felt proud of him.


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本文标题:泰勒先生 Mr. Taylor:看中英对照英语小故事背单词 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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