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昙花一现 中文


昙花(tán huā)是一种美丽而珍贵的花。这种花多在夜间开放,开花的时间又极短,很快就凋谢了。所以人们很难得看见。按照佛教的传说,转轮王出世。昙花才能生长出来,极力形容昙花难得出现。


昙花一现 英文

A flower that vanishes as soon as it appears

The broad-leaved epiphyllum is a beautiful and precious white flower which usually blooms at night, and its blossom only lasts for a brief period. According to a Buddhist legend, the plant blooms only on the birth of divine kings.

This idiom describes thing which disappear shortly after they come into being.

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本文标题:昙花一现 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

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