

阅读 :


the first submarine employed for military purposes was the turtle, a one-man vessel designed and built by a yale graduate in 1776. revolutionary americans hoped that, with this secret weapon, they could destroy the british warships anchored in new york harbor. on the night of 7 september 1776, the turtle tried to attach a keg of powder to the british ship eagle. the attempt failed and the powder exploded harmlessly.

the first submarine to ever sink an enemy ship was the huntley. on the night of 17 february 1864, the confederate vessel rammed the housatonic, the largest ship in the union navy, with an explosive torpedo. the housatonic burst into flames and sank. the huntley surfaced, signalled her success, and was never heard from again. scientists today believe that all the men on board died when they ran out of oxygen.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:两艘「第一」的潜艇(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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