- 格林童: 和老鼠合夥(英)
- Cat and Mouse in Partnership Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm A cat had made the acquaintance of a mouse, and had said so much to her about the great love and friendship that he felt for her, that...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童: 和老鼠合夥(中)
- 有一只猫认识了一只老鼠,便对大谈特谈自己是多么喜欢老鼠,原意和交朋友,弄得老鼠终於同意和猫住在一起,共同生活。「我们得准备过冬的东西了,不然我们到冬天会挨饿的,」猫说,「至於你嘛,我的小老鼠,哪里也不要去,我真怕...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童: 母的孩子(英)
- Mary's ChildJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Near a great forest there lived a woodcutter with his wife. He had but one child, a three-year old girl. Now they were so poor that they no longer had their d...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童: 母的孩子(中)
- 大森林边住着一位樵夫和他的妻子。他们只有一个孩子,是个三岁的女孩。可是他们非常穷,连每天要吃的包都没有,更不知道该拿甚么东西喂孩子。一天早晨,樵夫愁眉苦脸地到森林里去砍柴,他的面前突然出现了一位高大、美...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 傻小子学害怕(英)
- The Story of a Boy Who Went Forth to Learn FearJacob and Wilhelm Grimm A father had two sons. The oldest one was clever and intelligent, and knew how to manage everything, but the youngest one...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 傻小子学害怕(中)
- 有位父亲,膝下有两个儿子。大儿子聪明伶俐,遇事都能应付自如;小儿子呢,却呆头呆脑,啥也不懂,还啥也不学,人们看见他时都异口同声地说:「他父亲为他得操多少心哪!」 遇到有甚么事儿要办的时候,总得大儿子出面去办;不过...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 狼和七只小山羊(英)
- The Wolf and the Seven Young KidsJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was an old goat. She had seven little kids, and loved them all, just as a mother loves her children. One day she...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 狼和七只小山羊(中)
- 从前有只老山羊。生了七只小山羊,并且像所有母亲爱孩子一样爱们。一天,要到森林里去取食物,便把七个孩子全叫过来,对们说:「亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去一下,你们一定要提防狼。要是让狼进屋,它会把你们全部吃掉的―...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 忠实的约翰(英)
- Faithful JohannesJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was an old king who was ill. He thought, "I am lying on what must be my deathbed," then said, "Have faithful Johannes come to me....
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 忠实的约翰(中)
- 很久以前,有个老国王生了重病,当他意识到自己剩下的时间已经不多时,就对身边的人说:「传忠实的约翰进来见我。」忠实的约翰是一个仆人,老国王之所以这样称呼他,是因为他侍候国王很久了,而且非常忠诚可靠,也最受老国王...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 令人叫绝的乐师(1)
- The Strange MusicianJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a strange musician who was walking through the woods all by himself, thinking about this and that. When there was nothing...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 令人叫绝的乐师(2)
- 有一个技艺一流的乐师,他的小提琴演奏令人赏心悦耳,激动不已。一次,他怀着愉快的心情到森林里去漫游,走了一段路,觉得一个人太无聊,就自言自语地说:「一个人太沉闷了,我得找一个夥伴来。」於是,他拿起小提琴拉了起来。...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 好交易(英)
- The Good BargainJacob and Wilhelm Grimm A peasant had driven his cow to the fair and sold her for seven talers. On the way home he had to walk past a pond, and already from afar he heard the fr...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 好交易(中)
- 从前有个农夫,赶着一头母牛去集市出售,结果卖了七个银币。在回家的路上,他经过一个池塘,远远地就听到青蛙们在叫:「呱――呱――呱――呱――。」「嘿,」农夫自言自语地说,「你们真是在胡说八道。我只卖了七个银币,不...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 十二兄弟(英)
- The Twelve BrothersJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there were a king and a queen. They lived happily together and had twelve children, all boys. One day the king said to his wife, "If...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 十二兄弟(中)
- 从前有一个国王和一个王后,他们幸福地生活在一起,并且生了十二个孩子,可这十二个孩子全是男孩。国王对王后说:「你快要生第十三个孩子了。要是这个孩子是个女孩,我就下令杀掉那十二个男孩,好让她得到更多的财产,并且...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 一群二流子(英)
- The Pack of ScoundrelsJacob and Wilhelm Grimm The rooster said to the hen, "Now is the time when the nuts are getting ripe. Let us go up the mountain together, and for once eat our fill, before...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 一群二流子(中)
- 有一次,公鸡对母鸡说:「现在正是核桃成熟的时候,我们要趁着松鼠还没有把核桃全部吃完,赶紧进山去吃个够。」「对呀,」母鸡答道,「走吧,我们可以好好地享受享受。」们於是就上了山,而且因为天气晴朗,一直在山上呆到天黑...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 小弟弟和小姐姐(英)
- Little Brother and Little SisterJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Little brother took his little sister by the hand and said, "Since our mother died we have not had a single good hour. Our stepmother bea...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 小弟弟和小姐姐(中)
- 小弟弟拉着小姐姐的手说:「自从妈妈死了之后,我们没有过过幸福的日子。继母天天打我们,而且只要我们走到她的跟前,她就用脚把我们踢开。我们每天吃的都是硬梆梆的剩包皮,连桌子下面的小狗吃的都比我们好,因为她常常...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 莴苣姑娘(英)
- RapunzelJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who had long, but to no avail, wished for a child. Finally the woman came to believe that the good Lord would fulfil...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 莴苣姑娘(中)
- 从前有一个男人和一个女人,他俩一直想要个孩子,可总也得不到。最后,女人只好希望上帝能赐给她一个孩子。他们家的屋子后面有个小窗户,从那里可以看到一个美丽的花园,里面长满了奇花异草。可是,花园的周围有一道高墙...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 森林中的三个小矮人(英)
- The Three Little Men in the WoodsJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was a man whose wife died, and a woman whose husband died. The man had a daughter, and the woman also had a daughter. The girls we...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 森林中的三个小矮人(中)
- 从前,有个男人死了妻子,有个女人死了丈夫。这个男人有个女儿,这个女人也有个女儿。两个小姑娘互相认识,经常一起出去散步。有一天,她们散完步后一起来到女人的家里,女人对男人的女儿说:「听着,告诉你爸爸,说我愿意嫁给...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 三个纺纱女(英)
- The Three Spinning WomenJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was a girl who was lazy and would not spin. Her mother could not make her do so, whatever she said to her. Finally anger and impatience so...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事