(a). task response:
• addresses all parts of the task
• presents a clear position throughout the reponse
• presents, extend and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus.
用中文最简单的理解是:首尾都要回答问题,允许泛泛而谈。这就是说,我们没必要花太多的精力去考虑观点是否绝对严谨是否意义深刻,关键是要告诉考官你的思考逻辑。这就是剑桥雅思的魅力,它要考你的不是你的思维能力,而是你的语言表达能力。哪怕在ridiculous的观点,只要你能用最恰当的语言去表达,你也可以同样得7分(当然,如果你的目标是8分,你就当我痴人说话吧)。还有就是说,很多题目本身包含很广泛的概念,很多大学教授用十几万字都解释不清的关系,怎么就能让我们这些门外汉用三言两语就解释好呢。说了这么多,我想说的是,如果你从一开始就习惯背诵满分作文,习惯复制别人的观点,这样的复习方法会很吃力(我不敢说是错的,那是确实低效,甚至有赌博成分),事倍功半。毕竟我们都是正常人,我们都有自己的思考能力和理解能力,我们说的每一个观点都是make sense,不make sense的是我们没把那个观点说清楚。
(b). coherence and cohesion
• logically organises information and ideas, there is clear progression throughout
• lises a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-or over use
• presents a clear topic within each paragragh
用中文最简单的意思是:分段分点,每点之前必须有连接词。这一点非常非常容易达到(我总结了大量这样的词汇,明天或者后天上传上来)。然后那个考官最为推介的范式(以argumentation的题目为例,因为report类的文章更死板了):开头段+主体段(让步一段,支持(反对)两段)+结尾段。其实说白了,就是我们最熟悉不过的模版。 也就是说,模版是非常有用的,之所以变成没用(serve no helpful purpose)是因为用模范的那个人没有用(想起粤语里面的一句歇后语,叫“太监撒尿”)。至于怎么用模版才能变得不落于俗套,下文回答问题7的时候会有详细分析。
(c). lexcial resource
• uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
• uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation
• may produce occasional erros in word choice, spelling and/or word formation
用中文最简单的意思是:足够就好,不需要多;一两个大词就够,不需要滥。一说到单词,相信我们并不陌生,甚至认为学英语就是背单词,写作就是单词的选美与堆砌。尽管我们都知道这是不对的,但是依旧默默地坚持着,比如说背诵一大堆同义词代换,一大堆除了莎士比亚见过之外其他人都没见过的大词。这样的复习会很累而且会逐渐把雅思写作从逻辑表述变成词汇大杂烩。至于何谓是足够的单词,何谓是less common lexical items,这就是问题6的范畴了。经过我写了大概30篇雅思作文,我觉得我们需要的词汇其实真的不多(我的词汇表一定会upload上来,估计在明天或者后天)。我想说的是,记单词最好的方法是,把单词放到句型或者例句上面来,然后句型或者例句一定要与雅思写作topic 相关。如果不相关,证明那个词就算记住了,也不会用。
(d). Grammatical range and accuracy
• uses a variety of complex structures
• produces frequent error-free sentences
• has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few mistake
Part 3. 雅思写作7分所需要的词汇
(a). 雅思写作必备连词--只要掌握了这些连词,就能符合到coherence and cohesion 7分以上的要求
以下为英语写作(雅思写作,学术论文等)必备的连词汇总。以下的内容参考了悉尼大学本科学生orientation handbook里面关于如何preparing for essays的总结,再加上本人的积累。有些连词与下面的句型汇总重合,请以句型汇总为重点。对于应该雅思写作和大学学术论文绝对绰绰有余,希望能帮助大家。
• 用下划线highlight的是适用那些总感觉雅思写作写不长、写不满250字、需要灌水的同学
• 用粗体highlight的是适用于那些每次都写得太长、写爆格,务实的同学
• 用斜体highlight的是适用于那些有强烈大词欲,渴望用大词整死考官的同学
• To signal sequence or addition
Accordingly, actually, additionally, afterwards, again, also, and, another, as was previously stated, as well as, at the same time, besides this, consistent with this, correspondingly, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, in addition, in a like manner, in the first place, in the same way, including, initially, last, likewise, more importantly, moreover, next, originally, overall, primarily, similarly, to begin with, too, what is more.
• To signal time
After, afterward, as long as, at first, at last, at length, at the same time, before, concurrently, currently, during, finally, following, immediately, in the future, in the meantime, last but not least, later, meanwhile, next, once, presently, rarely, simultaneously, sometimes, subsequently, then, this time, until, until then, whenever, while.
• To show results
Accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in other words, in that case, it follows that, it is evident that, otherwise, owing to, resulting from this, so it can be seen that, that being the case, therefore this implies, this suggests that, thus, under these circumstances.
• To introduce evidence/support/reasons
Contradictory to this, contrarily, in support of this, it follows, this is clear because, the evidence for・・・is, the reasons for・・・are, this is supported by, to affirm this, to attest to this, to corroborate, to explain, to further confirm, to further verify, to list, to substantiate this, in substantiation.
• To signal repetition, summary, or conclusion
Accordingly, all in all, all together, as a final point, as a result, as I have noted, as indicated earlier, as mentioned, as previously stated, as we have seen, briefly, by and large, consequently, finally, given these facts, hence, in brief, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in summary, to sum up, in summation, on the whole, overall, since, so, summing up, then, therefore, thus, thus we can see that, to conclude, to recapitulate, to repeat, to review.
• To introduce causes or effects
Accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, due to, for as much as, for that reason, hence, in as much as, in that, in view of, on account of, owing, since, then, therefore, thus, to narrow the focus, after all, from this perspective, from this point of view, given this context, in fact, in order to, in other words, in particular, in this case, in this context, indeed, particularly, put another way, specifically, that is, this is particularly true when, under certain, circumstances, up to a point, with this in mind.
• To contrast,
After all, although, alternately, and yet, at the same time, be that as it may, bu, contrastingly, conversely, despite, dissimilarly, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in contrast to this, in opposition to this, in reality, in spite of this, inconsistent with this is that, instead, meanwhile, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, paradoxically, rather than, regardless of, still, though, whereas, when in fact, yet.
• To compare
Also, analogous to, another similar issue is, at the same time, by the same token, equally, in comparison, in like manner, in similar fashion, in the same way, likewise, similarly.
• To clarify
In other words, that is, that is to say, this means that, to clarify, to elaborate, to explain, to paraphrase, to put it another way.
• To show purpose
In order to, in the hope that, for the purpose, with this end, to the end that, with this objective
• To dismiss
All the same, at any rate, either way, in any event, in either case, whatever happens.
• To signal concession
Admittedly, albeit, although it is true that certainly, even so, granted, it may appear that, knowing this, naturally, of course, this is only the case when, while this is true, while it may seem that.
• To signify a condition
Granting that, in the event of, on the condition that, providing that, so long as
• To prove examples
As an illustration, by way of example, for example, for instance, in particular, in support of this, notably, to demonstrate, to elaborate, to exemplify, to highlight, to illustrate, specifically, that is.
• To reference
Concerning this, considering this, with respect to, with regards to
• To emphasise
Above all, as a matter of fact, certainly, chiefly, especially, importantly, in any case, in particular, indeed, it must be emphasised, that, mainly, mostly, notably, obviously, of course, particularly, primarily, specifically, truly, undoubtedly.
(b). 雅思写作必备同义词代换--只要掌握了这些连词,就能游刃有余地驾驭我们想要表达的观点,满足lexcial resource 7分要求
以下是经过我30篇雅思写作练笔之后总结出来的75组必备的同义词代换,如果能熟练掌握,必定能让你们在驾驭和阐述观点的时候变得游刃有余~~其实不单单是为了雅思写作,出国留学不能避免的就是每个学期排山倒海的individual assignments和group works,相信以下的词汇对大家是有帮助的。
1. 导致:v. cause, bring about, give rise to, lead to, generate, create, Be a contributing factor to
2. 认为:v. point out, argue, claim, assert, think, consider
3. 强调:v. emphasize, bring/call attention to, accentuate, heighten, strengthen
4. 集中:v. focus on, concentrate on
5. 解决:v. combat, address, tackle, resolve, solve
6. 从事:v. carry out, conduct, perform
7. 承认:v. concede, admit, acknowledge, accept, allow, grant
1. 支持:v. support, advocate, agree with
2. 增加:v. increase, grow, rise, enlarge
n. increase, growth, rise, enlargement
3. 改善:v. improve, enhance, upgrade, boost
n. improvement, enhancement, boom
4. 扩张:v. expand, enlarge, extend, widen, broaden
n. expansion, enlargement, extension
5. 提高:v. augment, increase, develop, intensify
n. augment, increase, development
6. 发展:v. develop, advance, grow, evolve, flourish
n. development, advancement, growth, flourishing
7. 产生:v. develop, come into being/existence, come about
8. 获得:v. acquire, gain, get, obtain, attain
9. 执行:v. implement, execute, put into effect, perform
n. implementation, performance
10. 实现:v. achieve, fulfill, gain, accomplish, attain
n. achievement, accomplishment, attainment
11. 开始:v. commence, begin, start
n. commencement, beginning, start
12. 促进:v. promote, further, advance, encourage, stimulate, foster
n. promotion, advancement
13. 鼓励:v. stimulate, encourage, act as stimulus, motivate
n. encouragement, incentive, motivation
14. 唤起:v. arouse, cause, induce, prompt, trigger, spark off
15. 需要:v. call for, demand, require
16. 取代:v. replace, take the place of, substitute for
n. replacement, substitution for, in place of
17. 加快:v. accelerate, speed up, quicken
n. Acceleration, speeding up
18. 减轻:v. abate, lessen, reduce, alleviate, mitigate
n. abatement, lessening, alleviation, mitigation
19. 保护:v. protect, preserve, conserve
n. protection, preservation, conservation
20. 保卫:v. safeguard, defend, shield
n. safeguard, defence, shelter
21. 建立:v. establish, set up, found, construct
n. establishment, foundation, construction
22. 遵守(规则,法律):abide by, comply with, follow, respect, act in accordance with
23. 允许:v. allow, permit, give the means to, facilitate
1. 反对:v. object, raise objections, oppose
2. 减少:v. decrease, lower, reduce, cut down
n. decrease, reduction, drop, decline
3. 耗尽:v. deplete, exhaust, use up
n. depletion, exhaustion, using up,
4. 阻碍:v. hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit
n. hindrance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment
5. 限制:v. limit, curb, restrict, place a limit on
n. limit, restriction
6. 危及:v. endanger, imperil, jeopardize, put at risk
7. 衰败:v. deteriorate, degrade, degenerate, rot
n. deterioration, degeneration
8. 恶化:v. exacerbate, aggravate, worsen, inflame
n. exacerbation, aggravation, worsening
9. 加剧:v. intensify, escalate, sharpen, aggravate
n. escalation, intensification, aggravation
10. 破坏:v. damage, destroy, ruin, devastate
n. damage, destruction, ruin, devastation
adj. devastating, destructive
11. 污染:v. pollute, contaminate
n. pollution, contamination
12. 败坏:v. pervert, corrupt, deprave, lead astray, debase
13. 扭曲:v. distort, pervert, misrepresent, falsify, misstate, misreport
14. 削弱:v. weaken, undermine, impair, invalidate
15. 干涉:v. interfere in/with, intervene in, impinge on/upon(侵犯)
n. interference/intervention/involvement in/with
16. 侵犯:v. encroach on/upon (time/rights/personal life)
n. encroachment on/upon = impinging on/upon
17. 与・・・相违背/相矛盾:run counter to = run contrary to
Contradict (each other)= conflict with = be at odds with sth
18. 误解:v. misunderstand, misapprehend, misinterpret
n. misunderstanding, misapprehension, misinterpretation
19. 逃避:v. escape, break out, evade, elude
20. 遭受:v. suffer from, be stricken with, be afflicted with
21. 违反:v. violate, disobey, transgress, infringe
n. violation, infringement, contravention, breach
22. 忽视:v. lose sight of, ignore, neglect
23. 疏远:v. alienate, isolate, become/get estranged from
n. alienation, isolation, estrangement
1. 大量的:enormous, massive, tremendous, considerable
2. 重要的:significant, substantial, crucial, important
3. 严重的:adj. severe, serious, acute, drastic
adv. severely, seriously, acutely, drastically
4. 有害的:adj. hazardous, dangerous, harmful
5. 贫穷的:adj. poor, poverty-stricken, destitute, impoverished
6. 富有的:adj. rich, wealthy, affluent
7. 差距:n. gap, disparity, divergence
8. 积极的:beneficial, advantageous
9. 消极的:baneful, detrimental
10. 明显的:manifest, obvious, evident, apparent
11. 影响:impact, repercussion, effect, ramification
12. 人类:the human race, human being, humankind, humanity
13. 当代:in current society, in this day and age, in present-day society, in contemporary society
14. 传统的:traditional, conventional, old-fashioned
15. 健康的:healthy, vigorous, robust
16. 有营养的:nutritious, nourishing, wholesome, healthy
Adequate/ basic/ broad/ general/ sufficient 充分的/ 基本的/ 宽泛的/ 大概的/ 足够的
Penetrating/ profound/ revealing/ remarkable/ proper/ thorough
入木三分的/ 深刻的/ 发人心省的/ 出色的/ 正确的/ 彻底的
Original/ unique/ fresh/ rare/ clear/ fascinating/ interesting
独到的/ 独特的/ 新鲜的/ 少有的/ 清楚的/ 生动的/ 有趣的
Significant/ substantial/ considerable
Unethical/ immoral/ unscrupulous/ unprincipled 不道德的
Antisocial/ unacceptable/ undesirable 反社会的/ 不能接受的/ 令人不快的
Aggressive/ criminal/ disruptive/ violent 挑衅的/ 犯罪的/ 扰乱的/ 暴力的
Notorious/ appalling/ vicious/ bloody 臭名昭著的/ 令人震惊的/ 令人发指的/ 血腥的
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