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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!


雅思写作题目:Mobile phones and the internet play animportant part in the way which people relate to one another socially. Do youthink the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Now that you are benefiting from the use of the mobilephone and the Internet as social media as well as social interaction, could youimagine what your daily lives would be like without these inventions ? Livingin this age of information technology may be a blessing, but there seems anundesirable feeling under disguise. For that matter, probably what you likewould be social connectivity and what you dislike might be personal anxiety.


It is a positive development that people have found it soeasy to relate to one another electronically and share instantly in the socialcontext. As technology has advanced, so has the need to remain contact withfriends, family and loved ones. Through digital networking, the cell phone andthe Internet have opened doors to the current generation's lives, as previouslyunheard of. While it goes without saying the many benefits that the Internethas to offer, the latest hand phones are well-equipped with high-end featurescatering to a variety of communication needs from voice calls to textmessaging. Apart from being able to help connect people anywhere and anytime,new handsets of innovative technology boast cutting-edge functions designed toupgrade work performance and provide fun factors, all at your fingertips.Besides, what do you have to say about Facebook, Twitter and Google+ that areout there on your computer screens or on your smartphones?


Nevertheless, the heavy use in social networking of themobile phone and the Internet causes anxiety, not to mention the negativeeffects produced by possible radiation. Chances are that these gadgets aregetting you on nerves. It is not so much because of such networking deviceskeeping you on alert 24/7 as because of the thought of being without themsometimes. So, there are feelings of increased anxiety during the absence ofsocial mobility, as if when you were psychologically alone in the middle ofnowhere. And yet, once people being connected, it appears to be no end ofinteractive communication, particularly when driving, for instance. In thiscase, the epidemic of people using cell phones to talk and to send text messagesvia the Internet behind the wheel could give rise to more of a hazard thandrunk driving.


As long as social interaction is concerned, it may be saidthat the hi-tech mobility is like a useful gift from heaven rather than apsychological disease from hell. The benefits of social interaction through thecellular and the Wi-Fi seem indeed too good to be blamed. Whatever, there is noturning back to the age of B.C. (Before Computer).



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