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  In the past, men always took the burden to earn money to support their families. But now more and more men are beginning to take over housework as society develops. Some of them will share the housework with their wives and some even change their position with their wives. What do you think of this phenomenon? For me, it is acceptable.


  First of all, we often say that everyone is equality. Nowadays, women have received their freedom after a long fight. They can do the same job as men’s. Through the history, there are many great women heroine, such as Marie Curie, wang yaping and so on. All these prove that women can do the same thing as men. Thus, gender discrimination is less and less. In addition, for a happy family, both men and women should share housework and other difficulty. Men start to take over housework should be very common.


  Secondly, the appropriate division of labor is very important to forming a happy family. As we all know that women can have the same social position as men present. And sometimes women can do better than men. Family economic burden is not easy. If the female can earn more than her husband, it is wise for husband to become houseman.


  In summary, the change of man’s role is the natural development. It does means any inequality, instead it is a more suitable division of labor way. It helps us build a harmonious society.


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