

阅读 :



  In the past, there have been many endangered animals. Now they are extinct.Does itmatter? Has our environment been affected by their absence? Has the quality of our own lifebeen changed? The answer to these questions is "Yes."

  Yes.It does matter if we destroy an endangered species habitat to develop morefarmland, housing or industrial parks.There is a delicate balance of nature.If one small part isremoved,it will effect all the other parts.For example,if certain trees are cut down, bats willhave no place to roost.If they cannot roost, they cannot breed.If there are no bats,there willbe no animal,or bird to eat certain insects that plague our crops.

  Yes.Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain animals.Certainflowers are pollinated by butterflies,which migrate from Canada to Mexico.Some of thebreeding grounds of these butterflies were destroyed.Now these flowers are disappearing fromcertain areas. We will no longer be able to enjoy their beauty.

  Yes.The quality of our life has been changed America used to be covered with giant trees.Now we have to visit them in one small park. Rain forests around the world are being cut downto make room for humans. We will never be able to see or study this fragile ecosystem.

  I would encourage us humans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands, housing, andindustries.We have alternatives;the animals do not.

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本文标题:2018英语专四作文题目:保护珍稀动物 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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