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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


Warren Buffett is the current richest investor in the world. And he ranks No.2 among the world’s billionaires.


But, compared to his money, it’s those famous quotes of his that attract the public’s attention.


Though most people now see his words as jokes or anti chicken soup for the souls.


But I find his words really inspiring.


And the one sentence which impressed me the most is the following:


Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing.


The No. 1 reason why most people fail to save is failing in controlling their desire.


Desire makes you irrational.


And that’s exactly who I was.


Did I really need to drink a 30 RMB coffee just for several minutes’ worth of vibe?


Did I really need all those new garments every month?


What did they bring me?


They only brought me poverty.


And the people who are behind these businesses have made money through my stupidity.



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