

阅读 :

realizing you were smiling the entire time you were talking to someone, right after you hang up the phone.
1. 放下电话时,意识到你整个通话期间一直在微笑。

the warm coziness of my own bed after i return home from a long business trip.
2. 漫长的出差之后,躺在自己家里温暖的床上。

playing rock-paper-scissors to settle a decision with one of your friends.
3. 和你的朋友玩石头、剪刀、布以做出某项决定。

when a wild animal is tame enough to eat food right out of your hand.

4. 某种野生动物被驯服后从你的手上吃东西。

crying on my sister’s shoulder. without the help of my family and close friends, i would be lost in a world of emotion, stress, and confusion.
5. 趴在姐姐的肩膀上哭。没有家庭和亲密朋友的支撑,我会在感情、压力和迷惑之中失去自我。

picking and eating fresh fruit right off the tree.
6. 直接从树上摘果子吃。

the joy of watching a baby smile.
7. 看见婴儿微笑时的开心。

the proud look on my 4-year-old son’s face when he learns a new skill.
8. 4岁儿子学会新把戏时的,他脸上的自豪感。

the bittersweet emotions that rush through your body on the very last day of high school.
9. 高中生活最后一天,心中又苦又甜的感觉。

time with the love of my life. last may, my husband of 27 years was diagnosed with cancer and given 3 to 6 months to live. we prayed, cried, loved, and laughed. now, 11 months later, we are still savoring every smile, kiss, and breath. we know these moments will end sooner rather than later, but we are so grateful for the time we do have together.
10. 和心爱的人度过的一分一秒。去年五月,我共同生活27年的丈夫被诊断为癌症,只能再活 3 到 6 个月。我们祈祷、痛哭、欢笑和留恋。 现在,11个月已经过去,我们知道这些日子不会持久,也更珍惜自己还能一起拥有的东西。

the rush you get when you’re driving on the open road and your favorite song randomly plays on the radio.
11. 你在开阔的公路上驾车飞奔,而你心爱的儿子正在旁边摆弄着收音机。

the comforting sound of my father’s car pulling into the driveway when he finally returns from a long business trip.
12. 听到爸爸的车在漫长的出差之后,缓缓驶入屋子前的车道。

when my baby girl looked up at me and said, “daddy!” for the very first time.
13. 我的女儿开口说话了,第一次看见她对我说:“爸爸!”

seeing two elderly folks who are madly in love. it’s a sight of love that has surpassed the tests of time.
14. 看到两位上了年纪的人疯狂相爱。这是一种经历了时间考验的爱。

kissing in the rain.
15. 在雨中接吻。

the feeling of cool morning grass under your bare feet when you walk out to get the newspaper at sunrise.
16. 太阳出来时,光脚出门拿报纸,踏在草坪上时的清凉感觉。

beginner’s eyes. you’ll never see it again for the very first time.
17. 初学者的目光。你不会再看到第二次。

the sound and sight of ocean waves

18. 海浪的声音和景象。

the feeling you get inside when you go out of your way to make someone’s day a little brighter. doing something nice and unexpected for somebody else doesn’t always require money, and often the gesture has more meaning when it doesn’t.

19. 当你超越自我,帮助别人生活得更加快乐时,自己心里的感受。做一些别人意想不到的好事通常并不需要太多的金钱,而且往往这种好意本身比它的实际意义更加重要。

a good photograph of a special moment. it transforms the moment into a tangible keepsake and helps make the memory of that moment last a lifetime.
20. 特殊时刻的一张好照片。可以将这一片刻永远的记忆。

a rainbow breaking through the storm clouds on a calm, rainy summer afternoon.
21. 雨后的下午,彩虹穿过安详的白云。

本文标题:双语:简单的幸福,柏拉图式永恒的美好时光 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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