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  As we all know, eyes are of vital importance to human beings. Eyes to us are like water to fish. We cherish them not only because they are indispensable parts of our bodies but also because they are considered as the window of the souls.

  Apart from our tongue, from my point of view, eyes are another kind of language we use to express ourselves. Through one's eyes, we can read sorrow, happiness or encouragement and many other emotions. We have eye contacts. We keep our eyes open to the danger. A girl can make her eyes to her crush. When to sides make an agreement, they see eye to eye with each other. Eyes are always one of the fastest and most direct organs to get your thoughts unveiled.

  Until now I still remember an unforgettable experience, which happened when I took part in a singing contest at the age of nine. It was the power of my mother's eyes that encouraged me to go for it. I had showed great interest in singing before that. But I was too shy to sing in the public. So one day my mother took me to sign in the singing contest. With my mother's company and encouragement, I was determined to meet that challenge. Standing on the stage, I suddenly found I become the focus of all the eyes. I got so nervous to even keep my eyes open. When it was my turn to be introduced to the audience and sing, I became even more nervous. I felt my legs were shaking and my memory seemed gone, as I couldn't remember anything. Searching for help, I met my mother's eyes which are sparkling with encouragement and strong power. It seemed that they were speaking to me, “ Come on! Baby! Take it easy. I'll always be with you!” I read the message through her eyes and at that moment I regained my confidence and began to sing my song. I did my best. Maybe my performance wasn't good enough in the judges' eyes, but marvelous enough in my mother's eyes, I was sure of that. When I came down from the stage, she came up to me, saying, “Great! I'm proud of you!” and gave me a big hug. At that time, I found her eyes filled with tears of joy. Sometimes, you see, just the encouraging eyes themselves can make a timid person daring.

  Eyes are another means of communication which is very important and necessary in our lives. I can still recall the scene vividly when my father saw me off at the bus station. To me it was the most precious memory in my lifetime. That year I went to the college for the first time and it was also my first time to leave home. When the bus was about to leave, my father helped me put down the luggage and stood in front of me, not knowing what to say. Unlike my mother, who seemed to have endless reminding to make, from drinking more water, eating more food to wearing more clothes and so on. My father, kept silent, on the contrary, just stared at me, as if to say, “Take care…。”Then the bus began to move. I waved to my dad suggesting he should go back home. But he still stood there, motionless. When the bus pulled out, I couldn't help turning back, and to my great surprise, my Dad was still standing there, watching me. At that moment, I was moved deeply, tears running out of my eyes. I realized it was another way of communication; I knew it is not easy for a father to show his love to his child by words; I knew it was the best conversation that I had made to my father; I also knew it was the best way for my father to show his love to me, silent but touching. Sometimes, you see, only an eye contact can understand the unspoken mind.

  Eyes are like a mirror from which you can see yourself clearly, thoroughly and objectively. Through one's eyes, we know where our weaknesses and strengths lie, thus we can learn from others and enhance ourselves. So sometimes, you see, only an eye to make a dark day bright.

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