  • 实习记者――通向新闻生涯的重要一步(中)
      想走上新闻生涯的学生,在他成为实习记者以前,就有许多艰苦的工作要做。他可以先在就读中学的校报或年鉴上一显身手。  而有抱负的通讯员开始可去当送稿生,替人跑腿,或充任正式记者的助手,以闯进新闻工作的圈子。...
  • 芭蕾舞――四门艺术的结晶(中)
  • 芭蕾舞――四门艺术的结晶
      Ballet,a Combination of Four Arts  Although the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word ballet is a graceful ballerinagliding across the stage,the ballet is not just dancing.The fi...
  • 本世纪的末叶――探险的时代
      The Last Part of This Century,an Age of Exploration  The last part of this century will be an age of exploration such as man has never known.There are eight planets,at least thirty moons,and tho...
  • 抓住你生命中的那颗星(中)
  • 喜欢是淡淡的爱
  • 康拉德激情的《青春》
  • 当大幕落下 离别来临时
      If I could take this moment forever
      Turn the pages of my mind
      To another place and time
      We would never say goodbye  If I could find the words I would speak them
      Then I wouldn...
  • 一起生活
      One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office. Apparently, they are there to file a divorce. Lawyer was very puzzled, after having a chat with them, he got the...
  • 一起生活(中)
      在一个阳光明媚的日子里,一对70多岁的老夫妇走进了律师事务所。显然地,他们准备到那儿办理离婚手续。律师对这对年老的夫妇提出要离婚的事感到非常困惑。后来,跟他们交谈了之后,他得知他们之间有这样一段故事:  ...
  • 天使降落在人间

      Consider……YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe....
  • 当梦想正成为现实(中)
      七十年前,我的母亲就有一个梦想――代表中国参加奥林匹克运动会。她是当时中国跑得最快的女运动员之一,一直充满自豪地期待着1940年的东京奥运会。  但是日本发动了侵华战争,她的梦想也随之破灭,战争最终导致19...
  • 当梦想正成为现实
      A dream being realized  Seventy years ago, my mother had a dream ―― to represent China in the Olympics. She was one of the fastest women in China, and she awaited the 1940 Olympics in Toky...
  • 喝醉的女性比男性危险(中)
      最新公布的一项调查结果显示,超过三分之一的年轻女性在醉酒后曾遭受过性攻击。  从事反酗酒活动的波特曼集团公布了调查结果。这项名为“外出彻夜狂饮的分析”的调查显示,34%的被调查年轻女性在饮酒过量后曾...
  • 喝醉的女性比男性危险
      More than a third of young women have been sexually assaulted after getting drunk, according to new research.  The findings are released by the Portman Group, a campaigning body funded by th...
  • “最后一课”
      Randy Pausch, the Carnegie Mellon professor who became a YouTube phenomenon with his "Last Lecture," died Friday of complications from pancreatic cancer. He was 47. He died at his home in sout...
  • “最后一课”(中)
      卡耐基・梅隆大学的兰迪・波许教授曾因“最后一课”在Youtube网站上掀起热潮。这位教授于上周五在自己南弗吉尼亚的家中因胰脏癌并发症去世,享年47岁。  USA TODAY今年三月曾在波许的家中对他进行了一次采访...
  • 纽约生存指南
      New York City can be intimidating ―― it"s chaotic, loud, messy, and crowded. Sometimes the city seems like a never-ending carnival of the bizarre conducted to the shrieking soundtrack of sir...
  • 西雅图的咖啡文化
      It is one o'clock in Seattle. You are walking down the street. A lot of people are outside for lunch. You see a woman. She is holding a white and green paper cup. You see another person. He is...
  • 西雅图的咖啡文化(中)
  • 全力以赴
      Concentration and perseverance built the great pyramids on Egypt's plains .  The matter of a single trade can sppuort a family.The master of seven trades cannot support himself.  Now I kno...
  • 奥运中的性感(中)
  • 奥运中的性感
      The Olympics are sexy. Paraguayan javelin thrower, Leryn Franco, may be the deadliest beauty at these Games, according to India's IANS News Agency. The athlete is among the most photographed a...
  • 北京欢迎您

      Athletes and officials of all faith can pray in the Olympic Village, and many religious places and multi-language priests are geared up to provide a serene religious atmosphere to visitors in...
  • 世界圣诞老人大会召开(中)
      七月盛夏,圣诞树亮起了彩灯,铃儿响叮当,快乐的精灵们在舞台上齐转呼啦圈。  除了一年一度的世界圣诞老人大会外,没有什么能让丹麦的游乐园充满如此喜庆的夏日圣诞气氛。今年是丹麦连续第51年举办世界圣诞老人大...