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英文博客网:一个写英语日记和英语周记的好地方! China Classifieds!

   While in Korea, Gov. Mike Smith of Utah was relaxing in the VIP lounge the Seoul airport, awaiting his flight to Japan. At the same moment , his press secretary, Jenny Varela, was being told at the ticket counter that she had no ticket.
   After insisting she had to make the flight because she was with a U. S. governor, an American embassy aide intervened. Varela got a standby ticket and boarded just before take-off. Regaining her composure, Varela went to the front of the plane to tell Smith of her adventure. He was not there. She later found out that the governor was told that he had been bumped by an urgent standby passenger.
   It was Varela.
(1) Korea n.        韩国   
(2) Gov.            州长(governor)   
(3) Utah n.        (美国)犹他州   
(4) VIP             重要人物(very important people)   
(5) lounge n.       休息室   
(6) Seoul n.        汉城(韩国之首都)   
(7) press n.        新闻   
(8) embassy n.      大使馆   
(9) aide n.         副官   
(10) intervene v.   介入;插入   
(11) standby ticket 待机票
(12) composure n.   泰然自若   
(13) bump v.        碰撞
① Where were the governor and his press secretary?   
A. in Korea   B. in Japan   C. in Utah   D. in U. S.   
② Where was the governor relaxing himself?   
A. in the plane   B. in the VIP lounge   C. in a hotel at the airport   D. in a car
③ What happened to Jenny Varela at the same moment?   
A. She was told to wait for the next flight B. She was told to go with the governor.   
C. She was told that she had no ticket .   D. She was told to go to the American Embassy.   
④ How did Jenny Varela get a standby ticket?   
A. The governor gave his ticket to her .   
B. She insisted making the flight and paid more money.   
C. An American embassy aide intervened.   
D. The governor telephoned the American embassy aide to come to help.   
⑤ What happened to the governor?   
A. I was too sick to make his flight.   
B. He was told that his flight had been delay ed .   
C. He was told that he had to give his ticket to an urgent standby passenger.
D. He was told to stay in Korea.


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