
第87期双语笑话加练习题 有你教他真好(1)

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  While I was talking to a parent of one of my third-grade students, another teacher walked by. The mother, remarking how beautiful the woman was, said, "If my son had her for a teacher, he wouldn't be able to concentrate. " Then she paused and added, "Good thing he has you. "


  (1) remark v. 谈起

  (2) concentrate v. 集中注意力于;专心于



  ① The teacher was talking to a parent o one a parent of one of her ______students.

  A. first-grade

  B. second-grade

  C. third-grade

  D. fourth-grade

  ② What happened when they were talking?

  A. The student came in.

  B. The headmaster asked the teacher to go to his office.

  C. The bell rang for a break .

  D. Another woman teacher came by.

  ③ What did the mother think of the woman passing by?

  A. She thought that the woman was ugly .

  B. She thought that the woman was too noisy.

  C. She thought that the woman taught badly.

  D. She thought that the woman was very pretty.

  ④ Why wouldn't the mother like the pretty woman to teach her son?

  A. Although she wag pretty, she was not competent for her job.

  B. The students would be attracted by her beauty instead of her teaching.

  C. The students didn't like a pretty woman to teach them.

  D. The pretty woman was not so kind to her students.

  ⑤ The mother' s words "good thing he has you" implies that_____ .

  A. the teacher was not pretty

  B. the teacher was too kind

  C. the teacher was very good at her teaching

  D. the mother liked the teacher very much

(1)    (2)    

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本文标题:第87期双语笑话加练习题 有你教他真好(1) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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