
77. At the Supermarket

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   at the supermarket i noticed an elderly man who seemed to be following me wherever i went. as i moved to each aisle, there he was, smiling at me. now i was wondering if he was interested in me. at the dairy counter i was checking out the eggs when i felt a tap on my shoulder. turning around, i saw that it was the same man. "lady," he finally said, "you have my shopping cart."


  (1) aisle n.超市中两个货架之间的走道

  (2) dairy n.售牛奶、奶油、鸡蛋的柜台、商店

  (3) check out(超市上)付款离开



  ① where did the lady meet the elderly man?

  a. at the railway station

  b. at a small shop

  c. at the supermarket

  d. at home

  ② what was the elderly man doing?

  a. he was collecting things he wanted to buy.

  b. he was following the lady.

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