
78. A Preachers Topic

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  a preacher was asked to give a talk at a local women's health symposium. his wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex. thinking quickly, he replied, "i'm talking about sailing."

  "oh, that's nice," said his wife.

  the next day, at the grocery store, a young woman who had attended the lecture recognized the minister's wife. "that was certainly an excellent talk your husband gave yesterday, " she said. "he really has a unique perspective on the subject." somewhat chagrined, the minister' s wife replied, "gee, funny you should think so. i mean, he's only done it twice. the first time he threw up, and the second time, his hat blew off."


  (1) preacher n.传教士

  (2) symposium n. 专题研讨会

  (3) embarrassed adj. 局促不安的

  (4) grocery n. 杂货业

  (5) unique adj. 独特的

  (6) perspective n. 观点;看法

  (7) chagrined adj. 懊恼的

  (8) throw up 呕吐



  ① the preacher was asked to give a talk on sex.

  ② he was too shy to tell his wife the topic.

  ③ the young woman told the minister's wife the real topic he had spoken about.

  ④ the young woman thought the preacher had his unique idea on sex.

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本文标题:78. A Preachers Topic - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

上一篇:77. At the Supermarket 下一篇:79. In the air


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