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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends! China Classifieds!

on a hot summer day an elderly gentleman faints in the street. a small crowd immediately gathers around him.


"give the poor man a glass of brandy," advises a woman. "give him a heart massage, " says someone else.

“给这个可怜的人一杯白兰地吧。” 一位女士建议。“给他一点治心脏病的药。” 另外一个人说。

"no, just give him some brandy," insists the woman. "call an ambulance," yells another person.

“不,还是给他一些白兰地,”那位女士坚持说。“还是叫一辆救护车吧。” 有人叫道。

"a brandy!" the man suddenly sits up and exclaims. "shut up, everybody, and do as the kind lady says!"

“一杯白兰地。” 这时地上的那个人坐了起来,嚷着,“都闭嘴,就照那位好心的太太说得去做!”

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本文标题:一杯白兰地所起的作用--双语幽默漫画 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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