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Unit 18 A Lesson in Philosophy 哲学课一则

Why worry?

Really, you have only two things to worry about—either you are sick or you are well.

If you are well, you have nothing to worry about, and if you are sick, you have only two things to worry about—either you get well or you die.

If you get well, you have nothing to worry about, and if yo die, you have only two things to worry about—either you go to heaven or you go to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about, and if you go to hell... You’ll be so busy shaking hands with old friends, you won’t have time to worry!


1.worry vi. 烦恼(通常与 about 并用)
worried a. 感到忧虑的
例:Don't worry about your bonus, Smith; you aren't getting one.
The worried expression on my doctor's face nearly gave me a heart attack.

2.well a. 身体健康的 & ad. 很好地
例:Don't worry; you'll get well soon.
If you act as well as your audition, you'll be a star!

3.sick a. 生病,患病的(=ill);厌恶的
be sick of… 厌恶...
fall sick 生病
=fall ill 生病
例:I'm sick of you constant complaints.
You look pretty sick. You need to go see a doctor now.

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之可以说给妈妈听的笑话(18):哲学课一则(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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