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Unit 17 Aren’t Kids Wonderful? 小孩子实在了不起!

Mother got on the train with Little Johnny and Little Ronny.

Little Johnny was full of questions, as usual: “What’s an emergency brake, Mommy?” “Why did that policeman ask to see our tickets?” “Why can’t I lean out the window?” etc.

His mother was becoming ever more exasperated.

Finally, Little Johnny asked, “What was that last station we stopped at, Mommy?”

“I don’t know, Johnny, and will you please stop pestering me? I’m trying to read.”

A few minutes of silence passed. Then Johnny said, “It’s too bad you don’t know what station that was,’ cause that’s where Little Ronny got off.”

英语知识点解说: usual 跟往常一样
例:You're late, as usual.

2.emergency n. 紧急
emergency brake 紧急煞车

emergency door 太平门
=emergency exit
emergency room 急诊处
例:An emergency door should never be blocked.

3.brake n. & vt. 煞车
step on the brakes 踩煞车
=put on the brakes
=apply the brakes
例:Jake applied the brakes but could not stop his motorbike in time.

4.ticket n.入场券;车票;(交通 违规 的 )罚单开罚单给(违规者)
write a ticket 开违规罚单
例:I've got an extra ticket to the concert. Do you want to go?
Jake was ticketed for speeding.

5.lean vi. 倚靠 ,凭着
lean against the wall 靠在墙上
lean over the table 俯身靠在桌上
lean out (of) the window 身体伸出窗外
the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔
例:The injured man leaned against a wall to gather his strength.
The old house was leaning so far that it seemed likely to fall at any moment.

6.exasperate vt. 激怒 ,刺激
exasperated a. 感到愤怒的
exasperating a. 令人恼怒的
例:The clerk's insolent manner exasperated the customer.
The exasperated customer demanded to see the manager.
The exasperated customer demanded to see the manager.
"These exasperated customers are really exasperating," sighed the manager.

7.pester vt. 纠缠,烦扰(=bother)

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之可以说给妈妈听的笑话(17):小孩子实在了不起!(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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