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  A Hindoo Fable - by John Godfrey Saxe


  It was six men of Indostan

  To learning much inclined,

  Who went to see the Elephant

  (Thought all of them were blind)。

  That each by observation

  Might satisfy his mind.

  II The FIRST approached the Elephant

  And happening to fall

  Against his broad and sturdy side

  At once began to bawl:

  'God bless me, but the Elephant

  Is very like a wall!'


  The SECOND, feeling of the tusk,

  Cried 'Ho! What have we here

  So very round and smooth and sharp?

  To me 'tis mightly clear

  This wonder of an Elephant

  Is very like a spear.'

  IV The THIRD approached the animal,

  And happening to take

  The squirming trunk within his hands,

  Thus boldly up and spake:

  'I see, 'quoth he, 'the Elephant

  Is very like a snake!'

  V The FOURTH reached out his eager hand,

  And felt about the knee,

  'What most this wondrous beast is like

  Is mightly plain, 'quoth he:

  'Tis clear enough the Elephant

  Is very like a tree!'

  VI The FIFTH, who chanced to touch the ear,

  Said: 'E'en the blindest man

  Can tell what this resembles most,

  Deny the fact who can,

  This marvel of an Elephant

  Is very like a fan!'


  The SIXTH no sooner had begun

  About the beast to grope,

  Than, seizing on the swinging tail

  That fell within his scope,

  'I see, 'quoth he, 'the Elephant

  Is very like a rope!'


  And so these men of Indostan

  Disputed loud and long,

  Each in his own opinion

  Exceeding stiff and strong.

  Though each was partly in the right

  And all were in the wrong.


  So, oft in theologic wars

  The disputants, I ween,

  Rail on in utter ignorance

  Of what each other mean

  And prate about an Elephant

  Not one of them has seen!

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