
Idiots Joke(12)

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  A ventriloquist stops to entertain some people in a small town. He‘s going through his usual stupid George W. jokes,when George W. himself walks up.“I’ve heard just about enough of your denigrating George W. jokes!”He says.“What makes you think you can stereotype me that way?What does a person‘s knowledge of geography and world politics have to do with their worth as a human being?It’s guys like you who keep people like me from being respected at work and in my community. I‘m as smart as anyone else and……”

  The ventriloquist begins to apologize,when George W. stops him.“You stay out of this,Mister. I‘m talking to that little smart aleck on your knee!”

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本文标题:Idiots Joke(12) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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