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Online English Writing Community

That's What They All Say

  While sitting on the bleachers during my youngest son's baseball game, I overheard another mother talking about her three-year-old daughter, who was playing with a neighbor's boy. The little girl kept saying to the boy, "Marry me. Marry me." The little boy innocently replied, "I want to play first."

  At this, the mother turned to all of the parents on the bleachers and announced, "That's what they all say!"


  (1) bleachers n.(美)运动场的露天看台
  (2) baseball n.棒球
  (3) keep doing不停地做
  (4) innocently adv.天真无邪地


  ① While_____ on the bleachers during my youngest son's-baseball game _____ another mother talking about her three-year-old daughter.
  ② The little girl kept ______ to the boy, " Marry me. Marry me."
  ③ The little boy _____ replied, "I want to play first."
  ④_____ this, mother turned to all of the parents on the bleachers.
  ⑤We can see from the passage that little boys and girls are _____.





  ① sitting; overheard ② saying ③ innocently ④ At ⑤ innocent

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