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The Bells

The two old gentlemen were enjoying the sunshine on thesame park bench one Sunday morning. They were strangers, but one,feeling sociable and at peace with the world, remarked:

"Very pleasant here, listening to the grand sound of thebells,isn't it?"

"What's that?" said the other, inclining his ear.

"I say, it's very pleasant here listening to the bells, isn'tit?" Slightly louder this time.

"I'm sorry. I'm a trifle deaf; would you mind re peatingit?"

A third time, still more loudly, was the sociable remar krepeated.

"I'm afraid it's no use. I can't hear a word you say while those damned bells are making that infernal row!"


一个星期天的上午,两位老先生同在一张公园长凳上晒 太阳。他们互不相识,但是其中一位喜欢交际而且心情愉快, 他说:







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