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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!


A grocer, a banker and a politician got lost in the forest. Eventually they came to a farmer's house and asked if he could put them up overnight.


“Sure,”the farmer said, “but I've got room for only two of you in the house. The other will have to sleep in the barn with the animals, and the smell is very bad out there.”


"I'll sleep in the barn,” the banker volunteered.


Half an hour later a knock was heard on the farmer's houses door, and there stood the banker, gasping," I can't take the smell.”


"All right,” said the grocer. "I' 11 sleep in the barn. "And off he went.


In a while there was another knock on the door. "I've put up with some rank odors from spoiled food,” the grocer complained," but that barn tops them all.”


"You two sissies,” said the politician" I'11 sleep in the barn.”


Thirty minutes later came another knock. When they opened the door There stood all the animals from the barn.


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本文标题:外国最新英语幽默笑话精粹131:谁最臭(中英) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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