
Greedy Joey

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  Mary had spent such an exciting week at the seaside.

  Then came the day when she had to go home, so the little girl went down to the beach to say goodbye to her favourite donkey. As she patted his back she said to her daddy: “He has been so much fun that I think I will buy him an ice-cream.”

  “I don't think Joey will eat ice-cream!” he said.

  But Mary thought he would, and when the ice-cream man came along she bought Joey a cornet. Everyone was so surprised to see a donkey eating a cornet, but how he enjoyed it!

  Next day Joey stood in front of the ice-cream man's barrow with his tongue hanging out, and although his master coaxed and pleased with him, he would not move.

  “Perhaps he wants another cornet,” said the ice-cream man, with a smile.

  Joey's master bought a cornet and gave it to the donkey, who ate it with delight. Then he was as good as gold, and gave three little girls a lovely ride. But he was not good for long. Back to the barrow he went and would not move a step. He wanted more and more ice-creams, and he meant to have them. If his master would not buy him any, then he would help himself.

  He stood near the ice-cream man's barrow and put his nose right into the creamy mixture. Oh, it was cold! His nose and mouth felt frozen and his teeth chattered.

  Joey was a very unhappy donkey that night as he lay in his stables. He had such an awful tummy ache!

  “It must be all those cornets I have eaten,” moaned Joey. “I will never have another as long as I live!”

  And he didn't, you can be sure!

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