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  Author and radio host Diane Brandon has interpreted hundreds of dreams during her 40 years as a student of sleep research.


  "I feel that our unconscious, which is the source of most but not all of our dreams, is a wonderful inner ally that is trying to bring us to wholeness and balance," Brandon tell us.


  Brandon helped us compile a list of the 10 most common nightmares, or dreams with negative meanings.


  10. Having a disease or health emergency

  10. 梦到患某种疾病或遇到健康危机

  This nightmare could reflect a fear of an unknown thing suddenly having a negative impact on the dreamer’s life. It could also reflect an underlying fear of illness or of contracting a serious disease. It could also express a fear of not being able to enjoy life or that there’s something wrong (“ill” or “rotten”) in one’s life.


  A nightmare about an illness could also be a way of telling the dreamer that he or she actually has an illness, even if consciously unaware of it.


  9. Being attacked or injured

  9. 梦到被打或受伤

  This type of nightmare could reflect a fear of others, a fear of not fitting in, a literal fear of violence, or a fear of being figuratively “attacked" or criticized by others. It’s important to take into account the actual scenario and what’s going on in the dreamer’s life for meanings.


  8. Car trouble

  8. 梦到车子出毛病

  This nightmare can reflect a feeling of not being able to move forward in life or even of one’s life being out of control. Our car is frequently how we not only travel, but “get to places" in life.


  7. Drowning

  7. 梦到溺水

  This nightmare could mean you feel overwhelmed or put out a lot of effort with no success or return. It could also simply represent a fear of water. It's important to pay attention to the whole scenario as different meanings or even nuances could emerge.


  For example, if the dreamer is drowning, it could mean one thing, but if the dreamer is drowning along with other people or being drowned by someone, there could be entirely different meanings.


  6. Falling

  6. 梦到掉下来

  We suddenly may feel that we’re falling, jerk awake, and then realize that we had indeed been sleeping. Nightmares of falling could reflect a fear of heights, a fear of not being in control, a feeling of having nothing solid to hold onto in life, or even a fear of death.


  5. Teeth falling out

  5. 梦到掉牙

  This nightmare generally means you feel out of control, powerless, or inadequate. It can also reflect social embarrassment, fear of being unattractive, or fear of being revealed as inadequate or not up to snuff. It would be important to consider what the dreamer was going through in life for more specific meanings.


  4. Being lost

  4. 梦到迷路

  This nightmare may be worse for children than for adults, but both can have it.


  For adults, it can mean that the dreamer does not feel in control in life or does not know what to do next or which direction to go into.


  It can reveal a figurative feeling of "not being able to find one’s way." It could also potentially reflect a feeling of not paying attention to or following directions.

  这也可有一层隐含之意,表达的是“没有能力找到自己的方向。” 这还有可能表达一种没有注意到或把握方向的感觉。

  3. Failing a test

  3. 梦到挂科

  This nightmare is fairly common, although the exact scenario can vary. It can indicate that one feels unprepared or hasn’t done something correctly in life. It can also refer to feeling that one has to prove oneself and either doesn’t know how or feels inadequate.


  2. Being naked in public

  2. 梦到在公众场合裸体

  This nightmare can often mean that the dreamer feels vulnerable or exposed in some way. It could also mean feeling small or ganged up on.


  1. Being chased

  1. 梦到被人追赶

  Many people report nightmares in which they’re being chased. This is often indicative of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, that something being avoided is catching up with them, or not getting everything done in their lives.


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本文标题:英语短文:十大常见的噩梦解读 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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