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How To Make Friends And Connect With People In Challenging Times


It can be difficult to make friends living in a big city, especially when you don’t know many people.


Over years of experience and studying social skills, I discovered that it’s possible to make friends without even trying. There are just a few strategies that you have to use on a consistent basis.


That’s what I’ll outline a few simple steps.


1. Be seen without trying to get attention.


You don’t have to say anything witty or interesting to get people’s attention, all you have to do is place yourself in environments where people will see you.


This can be done anywhere you go, such as the supermarket or your yoga studio.


2. Use the power of listening.

2. 使用倾听的力量。

There’s an interesting phenomenon that occurs when you listen to other people, they’ll keep talking. Just keep giving them good eye contact and show with your body language that you care.


Listening is a mechanism to build trust and likeability.


3. Think about what you can give to the other people.

3. 想想你能给别人什么。

So often we think about what we can get out of others when we try to make friends, but that thinking needs to be flipped around.


Try offering a piece of helpful advice or invite someone you just met to grab coffee or lunch with you the following week.


4. Always have 3 good stories to tell other people.

4. 总是有3个好故事来告诉别人。

When you have at least a few stories to share with others, you’ll never run out of things to talk about.


5. Smile like there’s no tomorrow.

5. 尽情微笑。

It may not be natural for some of us to smile, but a smile is one of the most attractive things that someone can display when they’re meeting new people.


Think about these 5 strategies as tools. They’re always available if you want to connect with people instantly and develop true lasting friendships.


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