  • 爱你,但与性无关(中)

  • 天要下雨,娘要嫁人
      In ancient times there was a scholar called Zhu Yaozong who came first in the highest imperial examination. Conferred the title Number One Scholar, he was chosen to be the emperor's son-in-law...
  • 如何合理安排时间
      Do you ever find yourself longing for some time for yourself? Many of us are so busy with work, school, and Home life that often there is no time left over to do something that you enjoy. What...
  • 如何合理安排时间(二)

      On the Go  1. Commute Via Public Transportation. If you can, ditch your car, and let someone else do the driving. Use that time to plan your day, do some reading, writing, creative thinkin...
  • Choosing a career over love
      The choice between having a career or making time for love is an extremely personal and individual decision. There are many factors which can affect your choice, and there are many people who...
  • 成功是什么
      To laugh often and much;  To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;  To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;  T...
  • 欢乐万圣节
    Halloween  On October 31st, dozens of children dressed incostumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors' doors and yell "Trick or Treat" when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular...
  • 狄更斯书桌高价拍卖
      19世纪英国著名作家查尔斯.狄更斯写作《远大前程》时使用的书桌4日在伦敦克里斯蒂拍卖行拍出85万美元(约合587万元人民币)的高价,是此前估价的7倍。  A desk and chair on which Charles Dickens wrote "Great...
  • 用爱感动心灵
      According to recent media reports, Japanese Internet users "found with surprise" that hostile comments from Chinese youths against Japan had "decreased dramatically since the earthquake struck...
  • 歪曲的是非观
      There are often media reports of events in which issues of ethics are involved. These reports often trigger debates among media critics and Internet surfers. In the debates, "human nature" and...
  • 我的爱
    My LoveTasha ShoresMy love is like an oceanIt goes down so deepMy love is like a roseWhose beauty you want to keep.My love is like a riverThat will never endMy love is like a doveWith a beautiful...
  • 清明节
  • 一日三餐的由来
      一日三餐已经是我们习以为常的事情,可为什么是三餐而不是两餐或者五餐呢?这还要从一个古老的传说说起。  Hundred of years ago, man had a hard life and was never able to get enough to eat. Sometimes h...
  • 习惯与目标
    How to Turn Your Goals Into Habits  "First we make our habits, then our habits make us."- Charles C. Noble  It's such a simple concept, yet it's something we don't always do. It's not exceedin...
  • 与死神和解
      Vertamae Grosvenor searched for answers to her young grandson's questions of "why?" when his father died. Grosvenor took her grandson, Oscar, to Oaxaca, Mexico, where death, in its celebratory...
  • 与死神和解(中)

  • 一床双人毛毯
      It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high. They washed up the supper dishes and then took their chairs out onto the porch. “I'll get my fiddle,” said the old man, “and p...
  • 一床双人毛毯(中)

  • 以书为伴
      A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, wh...
  • 上帝的礼物
      On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, “Today I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will work all day under the sun...
  • 上帝的礼物(中)

      第一天,上帝创造了牛。上帝对牛说:“今天,我创造了你。作为牛,你必须跟农夫下田,整天在日头下干活。我给你50年的生命。”  牛反对说:“这样的苦日子,你要我忍上50年?我只要20年,另外30年你收回吧。”上帝答应了。...
  • 蔷薇
      ―― Logan Pearsall Smith ( 1865-1946 )  The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years...
  • 蔷薇(中)

      老太太一直为她园中那株蔷薇树感到骄傲,好对人讲,这树是怎么从一根由意大利带回的枝条上长起来的,那是好多年以前的事,那时她刚结婚。 她和她丈夫正从罗马乘坐马车回国(那时还没有火车),一天在辛拿城南一段崎岖的...
  • 爱的诠释
    What does love mean  A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds: “What does love mean?” The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could ha...
  • 爱的诠释(中)

        一组专业人士向一群4-8岁的儿童提出一个问题:“爱是什么?”得到的答案比其他人所能想到的还广还深。看看这些答案,你能想到什么。  “我的祖母患了关节炎无法弯下腰涂指甲油,因此一直都是我的祖父帮她做这...