
Nothing to Save

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Online English Writing Community

Nothing to Save

(Originally in Chinese)

A salesman was trying to persuade a housewife to

buy a refrigerator. He told her it would save her

a lot of money because it was state-of-the-art and

power-saving, and would save her shopping time

as well as gasoline for the drive to the food store.

The housewife answered, "Let me tell you the truth:

We have 'saved' too much already! We have saved to

pay the loan for our new car; we have saved to

pay the mortgage for the house we live in;

we have saved to pay for our children's college

education; we have saved for the upcoming

Christmas holiday; we have saved to buy a

new dishwasher too! And now we have no more money to 'save'!"










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本文标题:Nothing to Save - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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