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1.Always Thirsty"I had an operation," said a man to his friend, "and the doctor left a sponge in me.""That"s terrible!" said the friend. "Got any pain?""No, but I am always thirsty!"总感到口渴一个男人对他的朋友说:“我动了一次手术,手术后医生把一块海绵忘在我的身体里了。”“真是太糟糕了!”朋友说道:“你觉得疼吗?”“不疼,可是我总感到口渴。”2.A Useful WayFather: Jack, why do you drink so much water?Jack: I have just had an apple, Dad.Father: What"s that got to do with it?Jack: I forgot to wash the apple.一个有效的方法爸爸:杰克,你干嘛喝这么多水呀?杰克:我刚才吃了个苹果,爸爸。爸爸:可是这跟喝水有什么关系呢?杰克:我忘了洗苹果呀。

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